Saturday, October 20, 2012


When Siley came along life was a little more nuts than when Eli made his appearance.  

As a result, Number 2 did not get quite the preparation Number 1 did.  

No fancy nursery.
No elaborate wall mural.
No (finished) baby blankets.

Not because we were any less excited.  Just because of life.
I know that all he knows and cares about is food and burps and cuddling, but as his mommy I want him to have some special handmade things that are for him and only him.  A few things that aren't hand-me-downs.  Here are a few recent projects for you, #2.

I love working with fabric so I pieced together a portrait of Si on some muslin.  It's a mixture of cotton, lamb's wool, felt, yarn, and embroidery thread.

This is from one of my favorite blogs, Made by Joel.  Beautiful, hand-made toy tutorials from things like cereal boxes and scrap wood.  Toys for infants and toddlers that encourage creative play and don't spell everything out.  This is called Baby Sun Toy.

I made it from scrap canvas, red felt, and an old maternity t-shirt.  The colors were chosen with Si's blurry baby vision in mind.  The center is stuffed with an old potato chip bag for a baby-pleasing crinkle sound.

Neither of my kids did the teething ring thing.  They prefer the corner of a blanket, sleeve of a coat, or just good old fingers.  I very loosely stuffed the t-shirt rays with scraps from the same material to give it a little shape, and tied knots in the end of each for chewing.


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